Popular Formats

File formats starting with G

.GI file formatGI: File Extension GI - Open GI files - GI file type info
Primarily, the filename extension .gi represents the Global-Image (.gi) file format and type. Like Roxio Image (.c2d)...

.GIF file formatGIF: File Extension GIF - Open GIF files - GIF file type info
The .gif extension associates with the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) introduced by CompuServe in 1989. GIF was th...

.GLK file formatGLK: File Extension GLK - Open GLK files - GLK file type info
On Windows/PC, the filename extension .glk is primarily associated with the Microsoft Office Groove Shortcut (.glk) f...

.GOFIN file formatGOFIN: File Extension GOFIN - Open GOFIN files - GOFIN file type info
The .gofin extension is used exclusively with GOFIN Document files and associates with the 'Druk Gofin' (GOFIN) forma...

.GP3 file formatGP3: File Extension GP3 - Open GP3 files - GP3 file type info
The .gp3 extension associates with the Guitar Pro 3 Score/Tablature (GP3) file type/format used with Guitar Pro 3 by ...

.GP4 file formatGP4: File Extension GP4 - Open GP4 files - GP4 file type info
The filename extension .gp4 mainly belongs to the Guitar Pro 4 Tablature (.gp4) file type. Guitar Pro is a commercial...

.GP5 file formatGP5: File Extension GP5 - Open GP5 files - GP5 file type info
GP5 files are commonly associated with Guitar Pro, a music making application developed and marketed by the French co...

.GPC file formatGPC: File Extension GPC - Open GPC files - GPC file type info
The .gpc filename extension primarily denotes the Genie Backup Manager Plugin Script (.gpc) file type introduced and ...

.GPT file formatGPT: File Extension GPT - Open GPT files - GPT file type info
The .gpt filename extension has its primary association with the GuitarPort Tone (.gpt) file/format. GuitarPort is a ...

.GPX file formatGPX: File Extension GPX - Open GPX files - GPX file type info
The .gpx extension is primarily associated with the 'GPS Exchange Format' (GPX) and file type. GPX is an open and wel...

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