
DS4 File Extension

Have a problem opening a .DS4 file? We collect information about file formats and can explain what DS4 files are. Additionally we recommend software suitable for opening or converting such files.

What is the .DS4 file type?

Micrografx Designer 4 Project File (.ds4) is the file type primarily associated with the filename extension .ds4. Micrografx Designer 4 was an early version (1993-1995) of a commercial vector drawing program developed by Micrografx with a focus on engineering drawing and later acquired by Corel Corp. The extension .ds4 was specifically used by version 4 of Micrografx Designer for its project files, so the .ds4 file represents a vector drawing saved in a proprietary binary format, now supported by Corel software only. Versions 6 through 9 used the .dsf ('Designer Format') extension, while all project files created in Corel Designer 10 or later were/are saved with the .des ('Designer') filename suffix. Presently, legacy Micrografx Designer 4 drawings (.ds4) can be imported in Corel Designer or Corel DRAW.

Alternatively, the extension .ds4 is used by WinDS Pro in association with the WinDS Pro Saved State File (.ds4) file type. WinDS Pro is a collection of software emulators of game consoles such as Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Game Boy Advance (GBA), and others for Microsoft Windows and Android. WinDS Pro allows to save the current state of each emulated device to a file to keep the game progress and restore the game from the same point at a later time. Here, the .ds4 file represents a saved state of an emulated Nintendo DS 4 game console that can be loaded back in WinDS Pro.

Software to open or convert DS4 files

You can open DS4 files with the following programs: 

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