Popular Formats

File formats starting with C

.CLASS file formatCLASS: File Extension CLASS - Open CLASS files - CLASS file type info
A file containing the CLASS suffix represents a compiled form of a JAVA source file generated by Java compilers. A CL...

.CLD file formatCLD: File Extension CLD - Open CLD files - CLD file type info
Most frequently, the .cld extension is used by Canon's CD-LabelPrint tool, denoting the CD-LabelPrint Document (CLD) ...

.CLO file formatCLO: File Extension CLO - Open CLO files - CLO file type info
The .clo filename extension is primarily associated with the legacy proprietary IBM SPSS ChartLook (CLO) format and t...

.CLP file formatCLP: File Extension CLP - Open CLP files - CLP file type info
As an abbreviation of 'Clipboard,' the .clp filename extension stands for the Microsoft Windows Clipboard File (.clp)...

.CLS file formatCLS: File Extension CLS - Open CLS files - CLS file type info
The .cls file extension is used by Microsoft Visual C++ or Microsoft Visual Basic for class definition files. A .cls ...

.CMDB file formatCMDB: File Extension CMDB - Open CMDB files - CMDB file type info
The .cmdb filename extension is primarily associated with the ANSYS Meshing (CMDB) file format and type. CMDB is a da...

.CMS file formatCMS: File Extension CMS - Open CMS files - CMS file type info
The primary role of the .cms filename extension binds it with the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) Signature (.cms)...

.CNT file formatCNT: File Extension CNT - Open CNT files - CNT file type info
The .cnt filename extension is primarily bound up with the Help Contents (CNT) file format and file type, and is appe...

.COFFEE file formatCOFFEE: File Extension COFFEE - Open COFFEE files - COFFEE file type info
The .coffee extension is expressly used to distinguish CoffeeScript source-code files. CoffeeScript is a platform-ind...

.CONF file formatCONF: File Extension CONF - Open CONF files - CONF file type info
The CONF file extension is assigned to configuration files used for building or executing various software applicatio...

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